
O Tannenbaum: The Story of Lewis

On Saturday, we made the long trek (ok fine, five minute drive) to the wilderness (a muddy lot filled with trees) in search of the perfect Christmas tree.  The selection was overpriced and far from "perfect”, but I wanted a tree and I wanted it now.  This is where we found Lewis.

Who the heck is Lewis, you ask?  Good question.  Well, Lewis is our tree.  Why did we name our tree, you ask?  Stupid question.  Why is the sky blue?  Why is 1+1 equal to 2?  They just are.

Anyway.  We loaded Lewis into the truck and took him home.  He settled in relatively quickly and uneventfully.  The only thing was, once he was set up, we noticed Lewis was kind of scrawny.  He was very tall, but not very fat.  He also had a massive gap on one side, like he was missing a row of branches.  Definitely an underdog sort of tree.  Which is how he got the name Lewis, in honor of one of the most lovable underdogs ever.


My tree may be scrawny, but it’s still my Christmas tree!  So, Nathan and I set out to decorate Lewis and make him as beautiful as possible.  We hung the heavier ornaments above his gap to balance it out, and basically made him look like the King of the Trees.


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I was happy, Nathan was happy, and Lewis was just thirsty.  We all lived in harmony and I spent the next several days admiring the beauty of my underdog tree.  Then came Tuesday night.

It was about 9:30 pm.  I was home alone and upstairs getting ready for bed, when suddenly I heard a massive CRASH from downstairs.  What the . . . NOOOOOO!  I knew immediately, but I just couldn’t believe it.  Until I ran downstairs, turned on the light, and found the wreckage.


Clearly, the tree Lewis took the movie Lewis’ motto of “keep moving forward” much too literally.

My first thought was, “You have to be kidding me”.  My next thought was, “Hmmm.  This would actually be funny, if it wasn’t my tree.”  My third thought was, “Ugh, I am way too tired to deal with this.  I’ll just let Nathan deal with it when he gets home.”  Then I saw the broken ornament.  And I started picturing all of my Mary’s Angels, wedding ornaments, and my grandma’s ornaments broken.  And then I had my meltdown, in which I called my dad crying. 

After calming me down (although I swear I heard a tiny bit of laughing in the background, MOM), my dad told me to get all the ornaments off the tree and then let Nathan fix the rest when he got home.  So, I did that, and amazingly the one broken ornament I had seen was the only broken ornament.  And while Nathan was fond of the ornament, it is not an irreplaceable ornament.  So, content with that, I texted Nathan a picture of the carnage and went to bed.

Flash forward to the next morning.  I wake up at 5:30 to my alarm clock.  At 5:31, I receive a text message from my dad:  “OK, how’s it going this morning?”.  At 5:32, I hear a familiar crash, and my husband yelling a four letter expletive.  Uh-oh . . .

I sleepily made my way downstairs, to see Lewis in a familiar spot on the floor, and Nathan glaring angrily at him from the couch.  He had come home from work, put Lewis back up, and redecorated him exactly as before by working off a picture on my computer.  He had then sat down to have something to eat . . . and Lewis had decided to take another random, unexplained nosedive.  This time, Lewis managed to take out two ornaments, including one of my grandma’s.

Luckily, I have the best husband in the universe.  Despite the fact that he had been awake for nearly 18 hours and was coming off a 10 hour shift at work, he stayed up while I got ready for work and worked on Lewis.  He put screws in the wall and secured Lewis to them with fishing wire.  He found a way to repair both broken ornaments.  Then he decorated Lewis again for the THIRD time.  The poor guy was up nearly two hours past his usual bedtime just to make my Christmas tree beautiful again.  He’s a keeper. 

Lewis, on the other hand, is on his last chance.  So is our tree stand.

But for now, all is quiet . . . and hopefully Lewis will stop moving forward and just sleep in heavenly peace.


The Intervention Season

Ah, December.  The season to be holly, jolly, merry, and eat your body weight in peanut brittle.  Does it get any better than December?  I think not.  Certain members of my family have insinuated that I have a Christmas obsession.  I like to think of it more as a deep love and obvious talent for all things sparkly, twinkly, and shiny.  Call it what you wish.  However, every once in a blue moon, something happens that makes me doubt myself and wonder if I have, in fact, gone Clark Griswold meets Buddy the Elf meets Kevin McAlister.

You might have a Christmas problem if . . .

The fact that every third song on your Pandora playlist is a different version of “Silver Bells” doesn’t annoy you, but instead brings you indescribable joy.

You go to Target to buy a bag of candy cane flavored Hershey’s Kisses.  You leave Target with eight bags of various Christmas candies.

You spend two solid hours unsuccessfully trying to identify songs from your parents’ 1992 Christmas mix tape on Shazam.

Upon reviewing your credit card statement the week after Thanksgiving, you see that you placed six Amazon orders between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday, and this seems completely reasonable to you. 

Of half of these orders, you can’t seem to remember what items you may have purchased.

Upon realizing this, you think, “Yay!  It’ll be so much fun to be surprised when the mailman comes!”

Under the guise of admiration, you scope out your neighbors’ outdoor light displays, then demand your husband help you to create a display to “beat” them all.

Seeing a light up snowman displayed on your neighbor’s roof sends you into an immediate, frantic rush to assemble a light up tree and Santa on your front porch.

You proudly declare that you have finished your Christmas shopping before the first of December.  And then continue to buy presents like an out of control Becky Bloomwood.  (Two points for you if you know who Becky Bloomwood is!)

You begin quoting Clark Griswold on a daily basis, at every opportunity.

Your heart grows three sizes and you start actually answering the front door when someone knocks.

You keep an ever growing collection of non-working Christmas lights.  You never know when you might need a spare bulb.

Your favorite Thanksgiving tradition is Christmas decoration inventory.

While driving around looking at Christmas lights, you become so distracted by a light up Santa and sleigh on someone’s roof that you blow straight through a stop sign.  And then try to blame it on your wife.

* * *

Problem?  What problem?  Yes, I have a special sort of love for December and Christmas.  But I don’t think that is a bad thing.  I just don’t understand those people who say they feel stressed out at this time of the year.  I honestly never feel happier or more relaxed than I do at Christmas.  I feel full of energy and love and excitement and I just want to share it with everyone!  As a wise elf once said, “The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.”  So I will keep playing my Christmas carols, baking my cookies, and eating all the Kit Kats out of the candy jar.  Because that’s how you do Christmas!



Playoffs? Yes, Playoffs!

I realized it has been a rather long time – too long – since I’ve given an update on the TBFC.  I know you are all dying to know how the best team led by the Golden Boy on this side of the Rockies is doing.  No?  Well settle in, because I’m going to tell you anyway!

The biggest news is that the TBFC has rebounded from a mid-season slump to win four of their last five matchups, finish 7-5, and make the playoffs!  Ironically, although we did not even win our division and are the fourth seed in the playoffs, we DID take home the prize for most points scored in the season!  My husband will tell you that this does not trump his accomplishment of division champion and best record in the league.  He might be right.  But I will bask in the glory of my non-existent trophy nonetheless.

Here are some more fun facts about the team that will go down in history (whether as champions or infamous losers is yet to be determined):

*Of the 16 players drafted at the beginning of the season, only half survived to week 12.

*The TBFC is a bit Jekyll and Hyde.  When we lost, we lost BIG.  Our five loss margins: 22, 52, 26, 23, and 53 points.  Can you say ouch?

*On the plus side, when we won, we won big.  Our smallest margin of victory was 16 points.  5 of 7 victories were by a 20+ point margin.

*All accomplishments are in spite of what might be the worst running back carousel in history.  There is no other way to describe my running backs other than “horrifyingly bad” and “really not talented”.  If you want to curse a running back, ask me to pick them up.  I currently have 8 running backs on my team.  That is half the roster!  And I would trade them all in an instant for Arian Foster.  Can you sense my desperation?

*Conversely, there is no better way to spark a player’s talent than to place them on my bench!  Notable bench performances:  Jamaal Charles (36 points, Week 3 and 16 points, Week 10), Andre Brown (24 points, Week 3), Jordy Nelson (31 points, Week 7), and Pierre Garcon (17 points, Week 12).  I’m pretty sure my bench outscored my starters in Week 3.  Clearly, I never learn.

*I may live to regret the Reggie Wayne for Jordy Nelson trade.  Who knew Andrew Luck would be so good?  Oh, that’s right.  Only everyone in the world.  Except me.

*Despite all of this, the TBFC managed to lock a playoff spot one week early AND eliminate my boss from the playoffs, all in one weekend.  I have been told it’s not good to beat your boss.  I say it’s bragging rights.

The bright spots of my season have been my wide receivers (Julio Jones & Demaryius Thomas), Jimmy Graham and Super Brady himself.  Outside of byes and a couple weeks off due to injury, I haven’t had to think twice about them.  They are full time starters.  And though he may not be Reggie Wayne, Jordy Nelson is definitely better than any of my ten million running backs in the flex spot.

On a side note, I do find it odd that my underachieving team, led by my questionable management skills, managed to lock a playoff spot early.  Whereas the team in a second league (lovingly named Rex Ryan Rerun), co-managed by my dad, husband, and myself, is fighting for their life in the playoffs.  My husband will tell you that the fictitious Rex Ryan’s struggles are due my above mentioned questionable management skills.  I will tell you that our struggles are the fault of Eli Manning.  He isn’t even on our team, yet still he manages to kill it.  (I can’t speak to the real Rex Ryan’s struggles.  I do hear that karma is a bitch, though.)  If we can make it to the playoffs, you may hear more about good old Rex.  If not . . . well you may hear something as well.

So anyway.  Back to Tom.  This week, the Golden Boy and reject running backs of the TBFC face a new team in Round 1 of the playoffs.  We haven’t lost to this team before, most likely only because we never played in the regular season.  Sadly, there is no chance of meeting up with my hubby in the championship round as we are in the same bracket.  So let’s hope I win this week, so that I have the opportunity to knock him out in the semifinal round next week!

"The Mighty Brady" Tom #Brady meets Thor of the Avengers. #Patriots #VeryCool

via the New England Patriots on Pinterest


Thanksgiving Weekend – The Road to Christmas

This year, we had a quiet Thanksgiving at my house with my parents and my brother Dakota.  I was really excited because this meant that the menu was entirely up to us, and I got the chance to make a large part of it.  We had all the usual staples (turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing) along with some old favorites (my grandma’s creamed corn) and some new recipes (a delicious apple pomegranate fruit salad discovered on Pinterest).  We even got out our wedding dishes to celebrate Thanksgiving in style.

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We capped off the evening with some apple pie and the Patriots kicking the Jets’ you-know-what on national TV (Super Bowl, here we come).  Could it get any better than that?  I think not.


After recovering from our combined turkey/sugar comas, we did Black Friday in style.  As in, we placed some online orders and went to bed.  We let all the crazies do their shopping overnight, and then we headed out around 5 AM.  In just over an hour, Nathan and I managed to drive to, shop at, and check out from Home Depot, Kohl's, Sears, and Target.  We waited in line at exactly zero of these places, and we left with every “early bird” item that we came to get.  Seriously, no one was there.  I don’t know why anyone would wait in line for hours on Thursday night when they could get a few hours sleep and then go out in the morning.  We were so proud of our amazing shopping skills that we rewarded ourselves with breakfast out and a nap before heading out a few hours later to make our last couple stops.

We were home and done shopping by 1, so after another nap we decided to take advantage of Nathan’s night off work and decorate the house!  With the encouraging words of Clark W. Griswold and Buddy the Elf, we managed to decorate the entire interior of our house (minus the tree, which someone says we can’t get until next weekend).  Now the house is ready for Christmas!

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Finally, we capped things off with some good old fashioned football on Saturday.  The more team spirited members of the family double layered so that they could wear Ohio State gear over their Oregon State gear.  I wore purple.

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Everyone was excited about Ohio State’s big win . . . much less so about Oregon State’s big loss.  Oh well.  There is always next year (for both the winning AND losing teams, ironically).

Besides, I was rooting for the Ducks!


22 Days of Thanks

By now, we have all seen the “Days of Thanks” posts going around on Facebook.  I wanted to participate, but posting a daily status update on Facebook is a long stretch for me.  I felt like it was much more doable for me to write down my “thanks” each day and compile a list.  So, here you go – 22 days of thanks, Megan-style.

1.  I am thankful to my parents for letting me be myself, and accepting me and loving me for who I am.

2.  I am thankful for a wonderful husband who tells me every day that he loves me.

3.  I am thankful that I can truthfully say I want for nothing.  I have a loving family, a great job, a roof over my head, food in my cupboards, and clothes in my closet.  I am truly lucky.

4.  I am thankful for the beautiful colors of fall leaves, and that I live in a state full of trees.

5.  I am thankful for Doug Martin.  I am sorry I doubted your abilities.

6.  I am thankful for weekends.  Enough said.

7.  I am thankful for parents who are always there for me, always listen, and always answer the phone.  Even when it is just to answer my stupid questions about how long something can stay in my fridge before it is no longer safe to eat.  They are reliable and constant, and never let me down.

8.  I am thankful for open minds and open hearts.

9. I am thankful for a husband who makes me laugh, and who always seems to know when I need a laugh (even before I do!).

10.  I am thankful for home cooked meals.

11.  I am thankful that I can run, no matter how slow it may be.

12.  I am thankful for my memories.  Memories are something we make, but they are also something that we take for granted.  For Alzheimer or dementia patients, a lifetime of memories can be lost in an instant.  This type of memory loss is not something that I or anyone else can control, but I can give thanks and appreciate my memories for as long as God blesses me with them.

13.  I am thankful for quiet days at work.  It feels nice to get caught up and get things done!

14.  I am thankful for Nick at Night.  Nothing more relaxing than an episode of Full House!

15.  I am thankful for all the beauty that can be found in the smallest of things.

16.  I am thankful for my siblings, and the days when we get to catch up.

17.  I am thankful for old friends.  Also, one of my old friends and I are thankful that Kristen Stewart’s acting abilities seem to have slightly improved between the first and last installments of Twilight.

18.  I am thankful that I have a husband who willingly helps me with housework.

19.  I am thankful for rain.  I love it!  I must remind myself of this on the days when the rain forces me to drive home in pitch black monsoon weather.

20.  I am thankful for all of the opportunities I have been given in my life, and to those who have given opportunities to me.

21.  I am thankful for people who stand up for what is right and support those who need it.

22.  I am thankful that I can spend Thanksgiving with people that I love.

And now, I better get moving, because it is after 9 AM and I still haven’t started cooking my parts of this Thanksgiving meal.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours, enjoy the football and shopping (GO PATRIOTS!), and drive safely.


I Un-Heart the Seahawks (Part 2)

It is only fitting that today, on Halloween, I share with you the horror that was the Patriots’ loss to the Seattle Seahawks.

Okay, fine, I’m exaggerating.  It was really only the end of the day that was horrifying.  The rest of the day was great.  We started out with a hot breakfast at the hotel with a bunch of other Patriots fans, a little bit of NFL countdown, and a lot of layering and team gear.  Then we hopped the shuttle to the light rail and headed down to the stadium!

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There were Patriots fans all over the train, and even more when we got to the stadium!  There isn’t a lot of tailgating due to lack of parking near the stadium, but there were fans everywhere, street vendors, and live entertainment from the very talented Seahawks band!


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We explored outside the stadium a while, then decided to make our way inside the stadium to watch warm-ups.  Finally, I was in the same building as Tom Brady!!!

We decided that since we were making this a once in a lifetime experience, we should experience the whole thing, including stadium food.  I’m telling you, if our politicians are really so worried about inflation, they should visit a football stadium.  It makes the price of gas seem rather insignificant when you pay $4.50 for a bottle of soda.  (And really, at nearly $5 each, don’t you think they should let you keep the cap to your soda)?  Apparently, there are magic bubbles in the Sprite and Root Beer that they sell there.  So, after spending a small fortune on sodas and hot dogs, we made our way to our seats!



We had a great view, which was perfect, because it was almost time for warm ups.  And that means . . .



And because you should always give credit where credit is due . . . (and because their uniforms are awesome):


It was really fun watching warm-ups and seeing what goes on before a game.  Before we knew it, the stadium was full and they were singing the national anthems (yes, anthems).  Oddly enough, despite the fact that there were a gazillion Patriots fans in town and the fact that we were sitting in the visitor’s section, we were completely surrounded by Seahawks fans.


After the national anthem, the announcer introduced the Seahawks starting defense.  Each defensive starter was introduced individually with a shower of fireworks.  It was pretty cool, although I did feel a little sorry for their offense, which was not acknowledged at all.  I think that tells you everything you need to know about Seahawks fans and how they feel about their team!


And then it was time for the main event!  The first play of the game . . .


At that point, we realized why our shuttle driver had suggested we bring earplugs from the hotel.  I didn’t believe it could be as loud as he said, but WOW . . . it was even louder.  My ears were still ringing when we got home at midnight that night.  But it was worth it.  The whole game experience sucked me in.  It was so cool to be able to see everything happening during a play, as opposed to just what the TV cameras want you to see.  It was also really interesting to see what goes on during the commercial breaks.

We learned a lot about Seahawks fans during this game as well.  For starters, they are crazy.  And intense.  And so very loud.  They are not at all attached to Russell Wilson.  They hate him one second, and love him the next.  Seahawks fans all know that they got beyond lucky on the blown call in the Green Bay game.  They know they should have lost.  I even heard a few cries of, “Bring back the replacement refs!”.  And finally (and most importantly), they hate the Cowboys just as much as we do.  When the score of the Ravens-Cowboys game was announced, the entire stadium roared its approval of the Ravens’ win.  It just goes to show that even polar opposites can find common ground, at least as far as the Cowboys are concerned.

We saw a LOT of awesome things during the game.  The first nugget of awesomeness was Wes Welker scoring a touchdown right in front of us!  Witnessing a Brady-Welker TD in person made both our days.  Seattle also dropped a punt, which turned into a crazy play.  We had an official review controversy when Russell Wilson lost the ball and the refs ruled it a fumble (when it was clearly an incomplete pass).  They reviewed it and still ruled it a fumble, which did not really please our Seahawks seatmates.  Also, thanks to my dad lending me his binoculars, I was able to binocu-stalk Tom Brady all over the field!  THAT was fun.  The big screen also helped me out with that from time to time as well.


And for three glorious quarters, everything went swimmingly.  The players and everyone in the lower levels got soaked by the rain, but we stayed warm and dry where we were sitting.  Tom Brady had thrown a couple picks, but the Patriots still had a two touchdown lead, and life couldn’t get better.  So of course, the Patriots’ good for nothing, heart-attack inducing defense felt the need to re-emerge and make things interesting.  And things went downhill from there.  The Pats’ defense made Russell Wilson look like Aaron Rodgers, the Seahawks rallied, and scored a last minute touchdown to beat the Patriots by a point.  No offense to Russell Wilson, but the credit for the Seahawks win goes to the Patriots’ defense, no to him.

I will admit that it was beyond disappointing to have the Patriots collapse and lose the game like that.  But I have to say, it was a REALLY exciting game.  I didn’t want to watch a blowout or a snoozer, and this game went down to the very end.  There was nothing boring about it, and despite the loss it was still one of the most awesome days ever.  The only thing that could have possibly made the day better was a win.  But on the bright side, we got to see fireworks go off when the Seahawks won, AND we both got a free short stack of pancakes at IHOP that night before we went home, thanks to the Seahawks scoring at least 23 points.  So there’s that.  Free food makes up for a lot of things.

Besides, the Patriots’ loss didn’t seem nearly as painful once we got on the road to head home and I checked my fantasy score, only to discover that the TBFC was losing to my HUSBAND by thirty points . . . with a 34 point game from Jordy Nelson sitting on my bench.  Oy.

And THAT concludes the epic story . . . the trip of destiny, the game of a lifetime, and probably the closest to Tom Brady and the Patriots that I will ever get.  Which is probably good, because if I ever get anywhere near that defense, there would definitely be some yelling.  I am so glad we splurged and took this trip, because it was SO worth it.  Even if the Patriots had to lose for us to get it.  Next up . . . Foxborough?


I Heart Seattle! (Part 1)

It has been two weeks, and I feel I have finally recovered (enough) to share our Seattle trip with everyone.  Nathan and I took a trip to Seattle to watch the Seahawks-Patriots game on Oct 14.  Having never been to Seattle before (which is weird, considering how close we live to it), we decided to go up a couple days early so that we could spend our Saturday doing some sightseeing.

We stayed at the Hampton Inn by the airport, which I would HIGHLY recommend to anyone taking a trip to Seattle.  For $75 a night, we got a super nice hotel room, a delicious free hot breakfast every morning, and free 24-hour transportation to and from the airport, light rail, and multiple restaurants (even after we checked out on Sunday morning).  As someone who is always hunting for a bargain, I would say we definitely got it with the hotel!

The weather forecast for the weekend was rain, rain, and you guessed it – more rain!  So, Saturday morning, we layered on our Under Armor, raincoats, and hats, took the hotel shuttle to the light rail station, and took off for a little sightseeing in the rain.  It is amazing what you can do with a smartphone and a map of Seattle, and we had the whole day planned out.  We had two goals – see as much as we could see, and only eat at local Seattle restaurants.

Our first stop was Pioneer Square, to hit Smith Tower and the Waterfall Park.  I had read about this park on the Pioneer Square website and naively thought there was a real waterfall in the middle of downtown.  Yes, ha ha, joke on me.  It was a manmade waterfall in a courtyard, in a neighborhood where the only people seemed to be homeless, druggies, or just plain creepy people.  Funny how the website didn’t mention THAT part.  But the man-made waterfall was pretty.


Smith Tower wasn’t open yet (note to self – nothing opens until 10).  So, we made our way north into a less-creepy part of Pioneer Square and had some authentic Seattle’s Best Coffee (definitely better than Starbucks!) until the tower opened.  Never heard of Smith Tower?  Until the night before, neither had I.  We had been debating whether the $19/person fee to ride to the top of the Space Needle was worth it, when we saw that someone mentioned the Smith Tower online.  For only $7.50/person, you can ride the manually operated elevator (super awesome) to the 35th floor and access the observation deck.  You can see downtown, the waterfront, and even the Space Needle (on a clear day, you can also see Mt. Rainier).  You can also check out the Chinese Room on the 35th floor, which features a ceiling made of porcelain discs imported from China, and a 300 year old “wishing chair”.  The story is that if a single woman sits in the chair and genuinely wishes for love, she will be engaged within one year.  We got to the Smith Tower when it opened, and we had the entire place to ourselves for the half hour we were there.  We got a personal tour of the Chinese Room, and it was amazing to be the only ones on the observation deck!  I am guessing we couldn’t get that at the Space Needle.  The Smith Tower was one of the best stops of our day.






After Smith Tower, we continued heading North toward Pike Street Market.  We planned to ride the light rail, but once we started walking it just seemed easiest to keep on walking!  On the way, we made a nerd stop so that I could check out the Seattle Public Library.


The library building is so cool and unique.  It is TEN whole floors, and the fourth floor is this lovely surprise:


I kid you not; the entire fourth floor is red.  Except for the bathrooms.  (Which was disappointing, because I really wanted to see what an all red bathroom would look like.)  The fourth floor was also surprisingly deserted.

Next up after the library was a quick stop to see what a City Target looks like (they have separate escalators for your cart!) and then it was off to Pike Street Market!  I can’t believe how huge that place is.  You could spend all day there and probably not see everything.  We checked out the shops, the farmer’s market, the fish stand (yes, we got to see a fish getting thrown – there is nothing quite like seeing a giant dead fish fly through the air!), and the antique market.



Next, we continued walking our way north until we reached the Olympic Sculpture Park.  It is right on the water, a few blocks west of the Space Needle.  It features several unique sculptures, along with an excellent view of the Needle itself.

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From the Sculpture Park, we made our way to the Space Needle.  We felt we had gotten our view and money’s worth at the Smith Tower, so we didn’t go up to the top, but we enjoyed the atmosphere.

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At that point, we realized it was only 1:30 in the afternoon.  It’s amazing what you can get done when you get up early!  We had seen nearly everything that we wanted to see in just a few hours, despite the fact that we had walked well over two miles at that point.  We slowly made our way back toward Pike Street Market via Belltown.  We stopped at a little eatery called The Lucky Diner for a little snack to tide us over until dinner. They serve breakfast items all day, one of which is a delicious dish called Home Fries.  Yummmmm.  Belltown had tons of cool little shops and restaurants, and I wish we had stayed a whole week so that we could eat at every single one!  We made a slight detour so that I could see the Nordstrom flagship store (fancy and expensive, as always) and check out the downtown Nordstrom Rack (ten times busier than Portland, yikes!).  Then we headed down the Harbor Steps to check out the Pike Street waterfront.




At this point, we had walked over four miles and my legs were to the point that I could walk no farther.  So, we painfully climbed back up the ten million Harbor Steps to cap off our night with dinner at the Pike Street Market.  We picked the Pike Place Brewery (also called Pike Place Pub), because not only did it look like a pretty cool place, but it came highly recommended for great food (especially good burgers).  And frankly, a good burger is the way to our hearts!  The restaurant was awesome, and the food did not disappoint, prompting Nathan to claim that it was “the best burger I’ve ever had in my life”.  If you know him, you know this is a big deal!


By the time we finished dinner, it was 6 pm.  The market was closed, we had seen everything we wanted to see, and we were dead on our feet!  So we hopped the light rail back to our hotel to prepare for the big Sunday ahead of us.  One of the best parts about our day Saturday was how many other Patriots (and USC) fans we saw out and about – we definitely were not the only ones sightseeing.  It was really fun to say hi and wave to complete strangers who shared our team spirit (and even more fun when people mistook us for being from Boston!).  We had the most fantastic day exploring Seattle, and I am so glad we went a day early to take advantage of it.

Stay tuned for Part 2 and the big game!