
Happy New Year Blog-aversary! (A Gift From My Laptop)

Well, the Mayans were wrong, the ball dropped, and 2013 is here!  It has been one whole year since I started this blog.  Some of you have liked the blog; some of you not so much.  Regardless, I like writing this blog, and I am going to keep at it.  I didn’t set out to write this blog to entertain people or tell them what they want to hear, but as creative outlet for myself and my random thoughts, and in that aspect I have done what I set out to do.  And whether or not other people choose to read along is their business.  (Although, if you are not a Tom Brady supporter I suggest you leave now, because I can guarantee that you will hate this blog).

I did not get to blog nearly as much as I intended to in December (and probably will not be blogging much for the next month or so), thanks to my laptop. The screen is having attitude problems and is acting out for attention by refusing to work the majority of the time (unless of course you angle the screen at a 45 degree viewing angle, because who doesn’t love that kind of a neck cramp?).  So, it will most likely be taking a little trip to military school (aka the American Express warranty department) in the near future.  However, the laptop decided to give us all an overdue Christmas gift today and actually work, and I decided to take that as a sign and give everyone a little update of what’s been going on around here.

First of all, Tom Brady news.  Well, for starters, the Patriots have rolled right into the playoffs with a first round bye.  I am very excited about this little development, although slightly sad that I have to wait an extra week to have a playoff party.  In even BIGGER NEWS . . . I am proud to announce that THIS is what a fantasy football league championship looks like:


That’s right folks, the TBFC took home the big prize!  It is with great pain and a heavy heart that I thank the Jets defense for securing this win for me.  There, I said it.  However, I think we all know who the real credit goes to (no, not J. Charles and his two lousy points).  Thank you, Tom Brady!  It’s been real.

In other fantasy news, despite having a losing record, The Wrath of Rex (managed by myself, my husband, and dad) managed to make the playoffs and get all the way to the championship game, at which point The Evil Killer of Fantasy Football Hopes and Dreams (you may know him as Eli Manning) killed all of Victor Cruz’s potential in one Sunday.  It didn’t help that we benched Seattle’s defense either.  So, the Wrath of Rex won the dreaded “runner-up” award.  On the plus side, we also won the “Most Name Changes In One Season” award (seriously, no joke – I have the Nerf football trophy to prove it!).  And we learned a valuable fantasy lesson, which I will share with all of you – Eli Manning is bad news.  He wasn’t even on our team and he crippled it nonetheless.  Draft at your own risk, people!

Also in December, I took my first steps into the field of fashion design when I created seven masterpieces using nothing but white t-shirts, a piece of printed paper, a fine-point sharpie, and fabric paints.  Behold. 


I even learned to use the automatic self-timer on my camera to document the glorious occasion. 

Sort of.


There’s still a few bugs to work out in the self-timing department.  Meanwhile, I’m still waiting for my call from Project Runway.

My family continued the tradition of weirdness.  Thus I present to you: Weird Family Photos, Volume 526,754:




Luckily, we managed to sneak a few good ones in as well (just ignore the photo-bomber in the picture below).




Switching gears, I have been reading a ton lately and have a few book recommendations for all the other readers out there.  I discovered a new series by an author named Veronica Roth.  I think I am a bit late in discovering this series, but if you have not heard of her, the titles of her first two books are Divergent and Insurgent.  Seriously . . . read them.  Once I started reading, I couldn’t stop.  The other book is The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.  I was hesitant to read it, because you can tell by the description that it is going to be sad, and boy do I hate sad books.  But I can honestly say, sad or not, I loved every page.  I am now desperately searching for some new books to read.  Suggestions are welcome!

Also, a movie recommendation – Silver Linings Playbook.  Hilarious and touching all at one time.  Plus the football references throughout the movie are a ton of fun.  It’s definitely a sarcastic sense of humor as opposed to obvious.  We had a hard time finding a theater around here that was showing it, but we saw it New Year’s Eve and it was worth the trip.

And that, my friends, is how I wrapped up 2012.  I rang in 2013 by taking down my Christmas decorations (sob) and eating popcorn.  I am not a huge fan of New Year’s Resolutions (although this blog came from one, so maybe they are more important than I think).  Partly it’s just because I find them cheesy, annoying, and lame.  And partly I just feel like I should really try to be my best self and improve myself every day of the year, not just on one.  Plus, I’m not very good at sticking to any resolutions I ever make.  Even this blog – yes, I still blog, but it gets more sporadic with every month.  Yet, every year I fall victim to the peer pressure and make some sort of resolution, and this year is no exception.

So, my resolution for 2013 is to get my laptop fixed and/or replaced.  I have to make this a resolution because the laptop has been having these issues for a couple months now, and until now I have failed to do anything about it.  And because frankly, attempting to blog from an iPhone is a lot harder than you might think.

On a side note, I also resolve not to break said iPhone in a fit of Bike Race rage.  (If you have no idea what I am talking about, download the free Bike Race app for your phone.  I guarantee that within ten minutes you will know exactly what I mean.)

I don’t know when I will get to blog again, so . . . have a happy January, and make sure you are cheering for the Patriots come playoff time!

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